

:2024-09-26 00:48:04:

本文摘要:Apple is readying its long-awaited assault on the living room, with plans to launch a new online television service later this year.苹果(Apple)于是以打算进占到消费者的客厅,计划在今年晚些时候发售新的网络电视服务。

Apple is readying its long-awaited assault on the living room, with plans to launch a new online television service later this year.苹果(Apple)于是以打算进占到消费者的客厅,计划在今年晚些时候发售新的网络电视服务。对于这一服务,消费者早已期待已久。After striking a deal with HBO to bring its on-demand app to Apple TV next month and cutting the price of its set-top box from $99 to $69, Apple is now in advanced talks with US broadcasters including Fox and ABC to launch a subscription streaming service, according to people close to the negotiations.知情人士称之为,苹果早已与HBO达成协议,下月将其串流应用于加到至Apple TV,并将其机顶盒售价从99美元上调至69美元,目前,苹果于是以与还包括福克斯(Fox)和美国广播公司(ABC)在内的美国广播公司展开更进一步谈判,以发售一项流媒体订阅者服务。

Talk of an “over the top” Apple TV service — which avoids traditional cable or satellite distribution in favour of streaming live video over the internet for viewing via iPhone, iPad or TV box — has lingered for years, fuelling speculation that the iPhone maker might release its own TV set.有关“网络电视(OTT)”Apple TV服务的传言有数多年,这令其人们猜测,这家iPhone制造商可能会公布自己的电视机。Apple TV摒弃传统有线电视或卫星电视服务,更为偏向于用户通过iPhone、iPad或机顶盒观赏在互联网公布的直播视频。However, while Apple is now seen as unlikely to add another screen to its family of devices, last week’s price cut may suggest that a revamped version of its set-top box is imminent.尽管外界指出,苹果现在不太可能减少新的设备,但上周苹果机顶盒降价有可能似乎,苹果将要改良其机顶盒服务。

For many years, the cheap Apple TV box — originally launched alongside the iPhone in 2007 — was described by Apple executives as a hobby.多年来,苹果高管仍然将廉价的苹果电视机顶盒(最初与iPhone于2007年发售)视作一项“嗜好”。Tim Cook, Apple’s chief executive, said at an event last week that Apple TV had sold 25m units, up from 20m a year ago, making it small contributor to the company’s vast revenue.苹果首席执行官蒂姆库克(Tim Cook)在上周的一次活动中回应,Apple TV销量为2500万台,低于一年前的2000万台,对该公司的巨额收益贡献较小。

Today’s Apple TV box offers an array of channels, from the well-known such as Netflix, YouTube, CNBC and Sky News to more niche content such as Crunchyroll, which shows Japanese animation.如今的Apple TV机顶盒获取很多频道,从Netflix、YouTube、美国消费者新闻与商业频道(CNBC)以及Sky News等著名频道到播出日本动画片的Crunchyroll等更为小众的频道。Some channels, including HBO, Watch ABC and Fox Now, are available only if customers also have a separate cable subscription. All have struck individual deals with the company’s media team for placement on Apple TV.还包括HBO、Watch ABC、Fox Now在内的一些频道只有在消费者另外缴纳有线电视订阅费时才可收听。

这些频道都已分开与苹果媒体团队签下,将其加到至Apple TV。Blazing a trail for an expanded Apple TV service are Dish Networks’ Sling TV, which streams live TV to customers without a cable subscription for $20 a month, and Sony’s forthcoming PlayStation Vue, a similar internet-TV service tied to its games consoles. Both have negotiated streaming deals for “cord cutters” with most of the biggest US networks.首度发售打破Apple TV服务的公司是Dish Networks的Sling TV和索尼(Sony)将要发售的PlayStation Vue。

前者向客户获取直播电视节目,客户不用缴纳有线电视酬劳,月费为20美元,后者是一款类似于的网络电视服务,与其游戏机绑。两家公司都已与多数美国仅次于网络签定流媒体协议。One holdout in Apple’s negotiations is said to be Comcast, but a person close to the situation said that failing to secure rights from its NBC Universal subsidiary would be unlikely to prevent a launch in the coming months, just as Apple’s iTunes has grown its catalogue over the years.据报苹果的谈判仅有在一家康卡斯特(Comcast)阻碍,但一名知情人士回应,虽然苹果没能从康卡斯特子公司NBC环球(NBC Universal)取得内容播放权,但这不太可能制止苹果在未来几个月发售新的服务。



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